1) Courts are open every day from 9 AM until dusk, weather permitting.
2) You must sign in to play on a court. Write the names of all players in your group under the court number and the time that your group starts to play on the whiteboard on the front porch. At least two players must be on the premises, ready to play, to sign for a court. Players cannot hold a court open by signing for it; if your group is not ready to play with at least two players when a court is available, another group that is ready may take the available court.
3) Playing time is limited to ONE HOUR when other players are waiting for a court. Players who are waiting to play may “bump” a group from a court after it has played for one hour, and that one-hour time period is determined based on their sign-in time (or, if they failed to sign in, at the top of the next hour). If a group of doubles starts with less than four players, their start time for purposes of this rule is determined by when the first players take the court and those players must note their start time accordingly on the whiteboard.
4) Players may sign in for a second consecutive session, but they may not play ahead of and must defer to one or more “fresh” players who have just arrived at the club.
5) Players must wear proper tennis attire on the courts. No bathing suits or cut-off shorts are permitted, shirts must be worn at all times, and all players must wear tennis sneakers—not running shoes with aggressive treads—to protect our courts.
6) Players must brush the court on which they played after finishing their game. Lines can be swept by the next group to play if they wish.
7) If it begins to rain while you are playing, leave the court immediately, to prevent both injuries to yourself and damage to the courts.
8) Children 15 years and under must defer to adults during “prime time”: before 11 AM and after 5 PM on weekdays and before noon on Saturdays and Sundays. Adults can “bump” children off the court at those times, without waiting for an hour to transpire, but only if there are no other courts available. And children may not bump adults off the courts at those times. These special rules for bumping do not apply when one or more adults are on a court with one or more children.
9) Children under 9 years must be accompanied by an adult on the court. All children should be versed in proper court etiquette.
10) Children under 15 are not eligible to play in adult tournaments, unless granted special permission by the Tennis Committee.
11) The ball machine and any ball hopper (including hoppers brought in by members) are to be used on court 1 only and preferably only when court 2 is empty.
12) General court etiquette ALWAYS applies:
Foul and abusive language, yelling, or extreme displays of anger are not permitted;
Wait until a point is played before entering a court or retrieving a ball on it;
Be courteous and respectful of other players.